School Board Progress Reports

Credit Accumulation by the End of Grade 10

Credits are counted if they are part of the student's transcript at the end of June. Courses taken at summer school or concluding after June 30 are counted for the following year. Students learning English as a second language or with special needs are included.

Ontario students who have 16 or more credits at the end of Grade 10 are on track to graduate with their peers.

At the end of the 2021-22 school year, 80 per cent of Grade 10 students had 16 or more credits.

This chart is a snapshot of credit accumulation by the end of Grade 10 by board.

Algoma DSB 69%
Algonquin and Lakeshore CDSB 84%
Avon Maitland DSB 81%
Bluewater DSB 67%
Brant Haldimand Norfolk CDSB 73%
Bruce-Grey CDSB 82%
CDSB of Eastern Ontario 80%
Conseil scolaire catholique Providence 91%
CS catholique MonAvenir 87%
CS public du Grand Nord de l'Ontario 86%
CS public du Nord-Est de l'Ontario 73%
CS Viamonde 91%
CSDC de l'Est ontarien 87%
CSDC des Aurores boréales 78%
CSDC des Grandes Rivières 87%
CSDC du Centre-Est de l'Ontario 86%
CSDC du Nouvel-Ontario 93%
CSDC Franco-Nord 90%
CÉP de l'Est de l'Ontario 78%
DSB Niagara 76%
DSB Ontario North East 54%
Dufferin-Peel CDSB 86%
Durham CDSB 83%
Durham DSB 79%
Grand Erie DSB 68%
Greater Essex County DSB 74%
Halton CDSB 81%
Halton DSB 89%
Hamilton-Wentworth CDSB 76%
Hamilton-Wentworth DSB 69%
Hastings & Prince Edward DSB 64%
Huron Perth CDSB 88%
Huron-Superior CDSB 73%
Kawartha Pine Ridge DSB 77%
Keewatin-Patricia DSB 60%
Kenora CDSB 72%
Lakehead DSB 66%
Lambton Kent DSB 70%
Limestone DSB 75%
London District Catholic School Board 83%
Near North DSB 65%
Niagara CDSB 86%
Nipissing-Parry Sound CDSB 77%
Northeastern CDSB 85%
Northwest CDSB NA
Ottawa CSB 83%
Ottawa-Carleton DSB 84%
Peel DSB 80%
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington CDSB 86%
Rainbow DSB 64%
Rainy River DSB 61%
Renfrew County CDSB 81%
Renfrew County DSB 78%
Simcoe County DSB 73%
Simcoe Muskoka CDSB 80%
St Clair CDSB 79%
Sudbury CDSB 73%
Superior North CDSB NA
Superior-Greenstone DSB 49%
Thames Valley DSB 72%
Thunder Bay CDSB 73%
Toronto CDSB 85%
Toronto DSB 78%
Trillium Lakelands DSB 75%
Upper Canada DSB 72%
Upper Grand DSB 82%
Waterloo CDSB 80%
Waterloo Region DSB 82%
Wellington CDSB 84%
Windsor-Essex CDSB 81%
York CDSB 91%
York Region DSB 87%

Further Information