School Board Progress Reports

Progress in Grade 6 Reading EQAO Results

The Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) annually assesses the reading, writing and math skills of Ontario's Grade 6 students. EQAO is an arm's-length agency of the provincial government and provides parents, teachers and the public with accurate and reliable information about student achievement.

Ontario's target is for 75 per cent of Grade 6 students to be meeting or exceeding the provincial standard in reading, writing and mathematics. In 2022-23, 84 per cent of English-language students and 97 per cent of French-language students met or exceeded the provincial standard.

Due to Covid-19 pandemic, EQAO assessments were suspended for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 academic years. Given that there were no EQAO assessment results for these academic years and due to changes to the assessments implemented starting 2021-22, the Progress in Grade 6 Reading and Progress in Grade 10 Literacy Test indicators are not available.

Algoma DSB NA
Algonquin and Lakeshore CDSB NA
Avon Maitland DSB NA
Bluewater DSB NA
Brant Haldimand Norfolk CDSB NA
Bruce-Grey CDSB NA
CDSB of Eastern Ontario NA
Conseil scolaire catholique Providence NA
CS catholique MonAvenir NA
CS public du Grand Nord de l'Ontario NA
CS public du Nord-Est de l'Ontario NA
CS Viamonde NA
CSDC de l'Est ontarien NA
CSDC des Aurores boréales NA
CSDC des Grandes Rivières NA
CSDC du Centre-Est de l'Ontario NA
CSDC du Nouvel-Ontario NA
CSDC Franco-Nord NA
CÉP de l'Est de l'Ontario NA
DSB Niagara NA
DSB Ontario North East NA
Dufferin-Peel CDSB NA
Durham CDSB NA
Durham DSB NA
Grand Erie DSB NA
Greater Essex County DSB NA
Halton CDSB NA
Halton DSB NA
Hamilton-Wentworth CDSB NA
Hamilton-Wentworth DSB NA
Hastings & Prince Edward DSB NA
Huron Perth CDSB NA
Huron-Superior CDSB NA
Kawartha Pine Ridge DSB NA
Keewatin-Patricia DSB NA
Kenora CDSB NA
Lakehead DSB NA
Lambton Kent DSB NA
Limestone DSB NA
London District Catholic School Board NA
Near North DSB NA
Niagara CDSB NA
Nipissing-Parry Sound CDSB NA
Northeastern CDSB NA
Northwest CDSB NA
Ottawa CSB NA
Ottawa-Carleton DSB NA
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington CDSB NA
Rainbow DSB NA
Rainy River DSB NA
Renfrew County CDSB NA
Renfrew County DSB NA
Simcoe County DSB NA
Simcoe Muskoka CDSB NA
St Clair CDSB NA
Sudbury CDSB NA
Superior North CDSB NA
Superior-Greenstone DSB NA
Thames Valley DSB NA
Thunder Bay CDSB NA
Toronto CDSB NA
Toronto DSB NA
Trillium Lakelands DSB NA
Upper Canada DSB NA
Upper Grand DSB NA
Waterloo CDSB NA
Waterloo Region DSB NA
Wellington CDSB NA
Windsor-Essex CDSB NA
York Region DSB NA

Further Information